Frequently Asked Questions about Music Weekends

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  1. When and Where
  2. What Happens?
  3. Can I perform?
  4. What kind of facilities are the weekends held at?
  5. What times do the weekends start and end?
  6. Can I come for just a day instead of the whole weekend?
  7. How do I get there?
  8. Can I talk to a person?
  9. What if I have Children?
  10. Can I find out more about the performers?  How do I sign up?
  11. Enjoy yourself!
  1. When and Where?

    We have three weekends a year at varying locations.  
  2. What happens on these weekends?

    Our weekends are a great time to listen to music, make your own music, learn new songs, listen to old songs and/or increase your instrumental and vocal skills. 
  3. Can I get a chance to perform?

    On Spring and Fall weekends, participants get a chance to perform in a camper’s concert. For those who do not wish to perform, an audience is always appreciated. After the scheduled events are over (and sometimes just any time), people get together and jam and sing. Singers, players and listeners are welcome.  On the Winter Weekend, there are no formal performances, everyone gets a chance to sing in an informal setting. .... To top of page
  4. What kinds of facilities are the weekends held at?

  5. What times do the weekends start and end?

    The exact times depend on the facility being used and you will be sent the exact times with your registration acknowledgement.  In general:
  6. Can I come for just a day instead of the whole weekend?

    It's nicer to be there and enjoy the whole weekend but yes, you can come for part of the day.  The rates are given on the registration form for each specific weekend but do not include meals.  You can usually arrange for meals from the facility in the same dining room -- again rates and information are given on the registration form for each specific weekend. see specific weekend information.
  7. How do I get there?

    Most participants drive up -- we will send you detailed directions when you register.  We try to match up those needing rides with those who can take riders.  There is bus service to nearby towns, and we will provide shuttle service from the bus station to the hotel....   Directions to HVRS ...  To top of page 
  8. I have more questions, can I talk to a person?

    If you have questions about registering or the facilities, please call the Registrar, see specific weekend information.
  9. What if I have Children?

    Children are always welcome. The program is primarily designed for adults -- depending on the  number and ages of the children coming, activities will be added.  Our weekends are a great time to share music other activities with children.  See the FAQ on children at weekends  ...  To top of page
  10. How can I find out more about the performers.  How do I sign up?

    You can print out a flier with details about the performers and a registration blank.  You can also register online.  Links to these are on the weekend information page for the current weekend.  ... To top of page
  11. Be prepared to enjoy yourself.

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Web page problems, broken links, etc: Don Wade
    rev. 5/1/13-dw